Invest In Me-Meet Your Candidates

In mid-October, we reach out to local leaders, inviting them to connect with the youth in our community. This gathering aims to create a space where young voices can meet with candidates, elected officials, or appointed leaders. The purpose is simple: to provide an opportunity for youth to express their perspectives on issues important to them.

This event is inclusive and interactive, featuring activities like panel discussions, Q&A sessions, and small group conversations. Through these formats, participants can engage with each other, learn, and build relationships.

For the youth, this event is a chance to have their voices heard and advocate for change on topics such as education, social justice, or the environment. They play an active role in shaping decisions that affect their lives and those of their peers.

Local leaders benefit from gaining insights into the concerns and priorities of the younger generation. They learn about the needs of their constituents and the importance of youth engagement in the community.

As the event unfolds, connections are made, and collaboration is encouraged. It’s a step toward building a community where every voice matters and where dialogue between leaders and youth leads to positive change.