
Donate to Make a Difference

Every donation, no matter the size, has a profound impact on our ability to reach and transform the lives of young people in our community. By contributing to Invest In Me, you’re not just donating funds; you’re investing in the future leaders of our world. Your generosity enables us to continue our vital work, fostering environments where growth, learning, and empowerment flourish.

At Invest In Me, we are deeply committed to the enrichment and development of our youth, an endeavor made possible through the generous contributions of supporters like you. We invite you to extend your support today by making a donation, which not only furthers our mission but also offers you the benefit of a tax deduction. Your generosity plays a crucial role in empowering the next generation.

Invest In Me operates under the auspices of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), a distinguished non-profit public charity recognized for its exemption from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. By contributing to, you’re not just donating; you’re aligning with a project that stands at the intersection of social betterment and environmental stewardship. Your support propels us forward, enabling us to continue our impactful work.

Empowerment Conference Patron


Your generous donation of $500 plays a pivotal role in the success of our February Annual Young Women’s Empowerment Conference. This contribution helps cover essential aspects of the event, from speakers to venue arrangements, ensuring an inspirational and transformative experience for all attendees.

Conference Sponsorship


A contribution of $200 allows you to sponsor a participant’s attendance at one of our empowering conferences. This support not only covers their entry but also ensures they receive the full benefit of this life-changing opportunity, including access to resources and networking.

Workshop Contributor


Donating $100 supports our monthly cohort leadership workshops, which are designed to foster leadership skills and personal growth. Your contribution aids in securing expert facilitators and materials, enhancing the educational experience for our participants.

Lunch for 5 Supporter


With a $50 donation, you provide lunch for five participants during a workshop, ensuring they can focus on learning without the distraction of hunger. This seemingly small act of kindness significantly enhances the workshop experience, fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment.

Educational Materials Donor


Your $25 donation contributes towards purchasing learning materials for our participants. These materials are vital for the hands-on activities and learning experiences that form the foundation of our programs, enabling participants to engage fully and effectively.